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The Department of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Neurobiology (PPN) at the University of Cincinnati has a dual mission of research and education, each being fundamentally served by the other.  According to our vision, educating future scientists and heath care professionals requires a dedicated effort to expose students to modern scientific methods and approaches, and true academic research depends on the training of high-quality future scientists.


One of our primary missions is in primary basic science, pre-clinical and translational research.  Our research teams apply state-of-the art techniques to illuminate both normal and pathological physiology, as well as basic and applied pharmacology.  Expertise is present in a broad range of disciplines ranging from traditional physiology/pharmacology to computational modeling of complex systems. Researchers benefit from our departmental cores dedicated to microscopy and transgenic animal models.

The University of Cincinnati is noted for the first antihistamine drug discovery, for the Sabin polio vaccine and for the discovery of the mechanism of action of dantrolene, which has largely ameliorated mortality due to malignant hyperthermia in the operating room.

Other notable research from the University includes work on the biological mechanism of action of important cardiovascular drugs such as digitalis glycosides and calcium channel antagonists. Recent advances on cell signaling cytokines and genetic variance in drug responsiveness among asthma sufferers are further examples of the directions research within our program might lead you.


The Department Pharmacology, Physiology, and Neurobiology (PPN) is committed to education and research with special emphases in cardiovascular biology, chronobiology, computational biology, metabolic biology, membrane transport, and neurobiology.  A major mission of the department is to educate developing scientists, physicians, and healthcare professionals.  The PhD graduate programs are dedicated to training the next generation of scientists, innovators, and leaders.  Alumni of all graduate programs have advanced to successful careers in academia, industry, pharmaceutical and governmental organizations.

The PPN Department also supports two MS programs: the Special Master's Program in Physiology (SMP) and the Applied Pharmacology & Drug Toxicology MS program.  The SMP is designed for students seeking to bolster their credentials to medical school.  It accepts approximately 35 students each year who participate in a rigorous curriculum, taking courses alongside 1st-year UC medical students.  This curriculum is designed to demonstrate their preparedness for medical school, while boasting a greater than 90% success rate of graduates accepted to medical school. The Masters Program in Molecular, Cellular and Biochemical Pharmacology (or “Applied Pharmacology & Drug Toxicology Program”) trains students in preclinical drug development, including the special regulatory and safety assessments required for FDA approval.  Graduates of the Pharmacology MS program are prepared for successful careers in research and laboratory management roles in the field of pharmacology, particularly pre-clinical drug discovery and development, or in fields in which pharmacology knowledge and skills are of significant value. The program also prepares students for advanced academic (e.g., PhD) or professional (e.g., MD, DVM) training in the life sciences.

Finally, faculty members in the PSP department contribute substantially to the University's Undergraduate Program in Medical Sciences.

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Department of
Pharmacology, Physiology, and Neurobiology

College of Medicine
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0575