Arya, Ravindra; Tenney, Jeffrey R; Horn, Paul S; Greiner, Hansel M; Holland, Katherine D; Leach, James L; Gelfand, Michael J; Rozhkov, Leonid; Fujiwara, Hisako; Rose, Douglas F; Franz, David N; Mangano, Francesco T 2015. Long-term outcomes of resective epilepsy surgery after invasive presurgical evaluation in children with tuberous sclerosis complex and bilateral multiple lesions. Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics, 15 1, 26-33
Vannest, Jennifer; Tenney, Jeffrey R; Gelineau-Morel, Rose; Maloney, Thomas; Glauser, Tracy A 2015. Cognitive and behavioral outcomes in benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes. Epilepsy & behavior : E&B, 45 , 85-91
Jacobs-Brichford, Eliza; Horn, Paul S; Tenney, Jeffrey R 2014. Mapping preictal networks preceding childhood absence seizures using magnetoencephalography. Journal of child neurology, 29 10, 1312-9
Tenney, Jeffrey R; Fujiwara, Hisako; Horn, Paul S; Rose, Douglas F 2014. Comparison of magnetic source estimation to intracranial EEG, resection area, and seizure outcome. Epilepsia, 55 11, 1854-63
Tenney, Jeffrey R; Fujiwara, Hisako; Horn, Paul S; Vannest, Jennifer; Xiang, Jing; Glauser, Tracy A; Rose, Douglas F 2014. Low- and high-frequency oscillations reveal distinct absence seizure networks. Annals of neurology, 76 4, 558-67
Tenney, Jeffrey R; Jain, Sejal V 2014. Absence Epilepsy: Older vs Newer AEDs. Current treatment options in neurology, 16 5, 290
Tenney, Jeffrey R; Rozhkov, Leonid; Horn, Paul; Miles, Lili; Miles, Michael V 2014. Cerebral glucose hypometabolism is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction in patients with intractable epilepsy and cortical dysplasia. Epilepsia, 55 9, 1415-22
Xiang, Jing; Tenney, Jeffrey R; Korman, Abraham M; Leiken, Kimberly; Rose, Douglas F; Harris, Elana; Yuan, Weihong; Horn, Paul S; Holland, Katherine; Loring, David W; Glauser, Tracy A 2014. Quantification of Interictal Neuromagnetic Activity in Absence Epilepsy with Accumulated Source Imaging. Brain topography, ,
Tenney, Jeffrey R; Fujiwara, Hisako; Horn, Paul S; Jacobson, Sarah E; Glauser, Tracy A; Rose, Douglas F 2013. Focal corticothalamic sources during generalized absence seizures: a MEG study. Epilepsy research, 106 1-2, 113-22
Tenney, Jeffrey R; Glauser, Tracy A 2013. The current state of absence epilepsy: can we have your attention? Epilepsy currents / American Epilepsy Society, 13 3, 135-40
Tenney, Jeffrey R; Prada, Carlos E; Hopkin, Robert J; Hallinan, Barbara E 2013. Early spinal cord and brainstem involvement in infantile Leigh syndrome possibly caused by a novel variant. Journal of child neurology, 28 12, 1681-5
Sethi, Nitin K; Tenney, Jeffrey R 2012. Child Neurology: Hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia-epilepsy syndrome. Neurology, 79 24, 2367; author reply 2
Tenney, Jeffrey R; Schapiro, Mark B 2012. Child neurology: hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia-epilepsy syndrome. Neurology, 79 1, e1-4
Tenney, Jeffrey R; Hopkin, Robert J; Schapiro, Mark B 2011. Deletion of 14-3-3{varepsilon} and CRK: a clinical syndrome with macrocephaly, developmental delay, and generalized epilepsy. Journal of child neurology, 26 2, 223-7
Tenney, Jeffrey R; Schapiro, Mark B 2010. Child neurology: alternating hemiplegia of childhood. Neurology, 74 14, e57-9
Tenney, Jeffrey; Johnson, Laurie H 2009. Moyamoya disease in an 8-year-old boy presenting with weakness. Pediatric emergency care, 25 5, 336-8
Febo, Marcelo; Segarra, Annabell C; Tenney, Jeffrey R; Brevard, Mathew E; Duong, Timothy Q; Ferris, Craig F 2004. Imaging cocaine-induced changes in the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system of conscious rats. Journal of neuroscience methods, 139 2, 167-76
Tenney, Jeffrey R; Duong, Timothy Q; King, Jean A; Ferris, Craig F 2004. FMRI of brain activation in a genetic rat model of absence seizures. Epilepsia, 45 6, 576-82
Tenney, Jeffrey R; Marshall, Paul C; King, Jean A; Ferris, Craig F 2004. fMRI of generalized absence status epilepticus in conscious marmoset monkeys reveals corticothalamic activation. Epilepsia, 45 10, 1240-7
King, Jean A; Tenney, Jeffrey; Rossi, Victoria; Colamussi, Lauralea; Burdick, Stacy 2003. Neural substrates underlying impulsivity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1008 , 160-9
Tenney, Jeffrey R; Duong, Timothy Q; King, Jean A; Ludwig, Reinhold; Ferris, Craig F 2003. Corticothalamic modulation during absence seizures in rats: a functional MRI assessment. Epilepsia, 44 9, 1133-40