Khodoun, Marat V; Morris, Suzanne C; Angerman, Elizabeth; Potter, Crystal; Schuman, Richard; Wunderlich, Mark; Maciag, Joseph J; Sullivan Locker, Kathryn C; Mulloy, James C; Herr, Andrew B; Finkelman, Fred D 2020. Rapid desensitization of humanized mice with anti-human Fc?RI? monoclonal antibodies. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 145 3, 907-921.e3
Clay, Corey D; Strait, Richard T; Mahler, Ashley; Khodoun, Marat V; Finkelman, Fred D 2018. Anti-Fc?RIIB mAb suppresses murine IgG-dependent anaphylaxis by Fc domain targeting of Fc?RIII. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 141 4, 1373-1381.e5
Khodoun, Marat V; Tomar, Sunil; Tocker, Joel E; Wang, Yui Hsi; Finkelman, Fred D 2018. Prevention of food allergy development and suppression of established food allergy by neutralization of thymic stromal lymphopoietin, IL-25, and IL-33. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 141 1, 171-179.e1
Finkelman, Fred D; Khodoun, Marat V; Strait, Richard 2016. Human IgE-independent systemic anaphylaxis. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 137 6, 1674-1680
Gieras, Anna; Linhart, Birgit; Roux, Kenneth H; Dutta, Moumita; Khodoun, Marat; Zafred, Domen; Cabauatan, Clarissa R; Lupinek, Christian; Weber, Milena; Focke-Tejkl, Margarete; Keller, Walter; Finkelman, Fred D; Valenta, Rudolf 2016. IgE epitope proximity determines immune complex shape and effector cell activation capacity. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 137 5, 1557-65
Minar, Phillip; Jackson, Kimberly; Tsai, Yi-Ting; Rosen, Michael J; Northcutt, Michael; Khodoun, Marat; Finkelman, Fred D; Denson, Lee A 2016. A Low Neutrophil CD64 Index Is Associated with Sustained Remission During Infliximab Maintenance Therapy. Inflammatory bowel diseases, 22 11, 2641-2647
McAlees, Jaclyn W; Lajoie, Stephane; Dienger, Krista; Sproles, Alyssa A; Richgels, Phoebe K; Yang, Yanfen; Khodoun, Marat; Azuma, Miyuki; Yagita, Hideo; Fulkerson, Patricia C; Wills-Karp, Marsha; Lewkowich, Ian P 2015. Differential control of CD4(+) T-cell subsets by the PD-1/PD-L1 axis in a mouse model of allergic asthma. European journal of immunology, 45 4, 1019-29
Strait, Richard T; Posgai, Monica T; Mahler, Ashley; Barasa, Nathaniel; Jacob, Chaim O; Köhl, Jörg; Ehlers, Marc; Stringer, Keith; Shanmukhappa, Shiva Kumar; Witte, David; Hossain, Md Monir; Khodoun, Marat; Herr, Andrew B; Finkelman, Fred D 2015. IgG1 protects against renal disease in a mouse model of cryoglobulinaemia. Nature, 517 7535, 501-4
Kumar, Sudhir; Khodoun, Marat; Kettleson, Eric M; McKnight, Christopher; Reponen, Tiina; Grinshpun, Sergey A; Adhikari, Atin 2014. Glyphosate-rich air samples induce IL-33, TSLP and generate IL-13 dependent airway inflammation. Toxicology, 325 , 42-51
Khodoun, Marat V; Kucuk, Zeynep Yesim; Strait, Richard T; Krishnamurthy, Durga; Janek, Kevin; Clay, Corey D; Morris, Suzanne C; Finkelman, Fred D 2013. Rapid desensitization of mice with anti-Fc?RIIb/Fc?RIII mAb safely prevents IgG-mediated anaphylaxis. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 132 6, 1375-87
Khodoun, Marat V; Kucuk, Zeynep Yesim; Strait, Richard T; Krishnamurthy, Durga; Janek, Kevin; Lewkowich, Ian; Morris, Suzanne C; Finkelman, Fred D 2013. Rapid polyclonal desensitization with antibodies to IgE and Fc?RI?. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 131 6, 1555-64
Kucuk, Zeynep Yesim; Strait, Richard; Khodoun, Marat V; Mahler, Ashley; Hogan, Simon; Finkelman, Fred D 2012. Induction and suppression of allergic diarrhea and systemic anaphylaxis in a murine model of food allergy. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 129 5, 1343-8
Khodoun, Marat V; Strait, Richard; Armstrong, Laura; Yanase, Noriko; Finkelman, Fred D 2011. Identification of markers that distinguish IgE- from IgG-mediated anaphylaxis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ,
Strait, Richard T; Hicks, Wyenona; Barasa, Nathaniel; Mahler, Ashley; Khodoun, Marat; Köhl, Jörg; Stringer, Keith; Witte, David; Van Rooijen, Nico; Susskind, Brian M; Finkelman, Fred D 2011. MHC class I-specific antibody binding to nonhematopoietic cells drives complement activation to induce transfusion-related acute lung injury in mice. The Journal of experimental medicine, 208 12, 2525-44
Strait, Richard T; Mahler, Ashley; Hogan, Simon; Khodoun, Marat; Shibuya, Akira; Finkelman, Fred D 2011. Ingested allergens must be absorbed systemically to induce systemic anaphylaxis. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 127 4, 982-9.e1
Herbert, De'Broski R; Yang, Jun-Qi; Hogan, Simon P; Groschwitz, Kathryn; Khodoun, Marat; Munitz, Ariel; Orekov, Tatyana; Perkins, Charles; Wang, Quan; Brombacher, Frank; Urban, Joseph F; Rothenberg, Marc E; Finkelman, Fred D 2009. Intestinal epithelial cell secretion of RELM-beta protects against gastrointestinal worm infection. The Journal of experimental medicine, 206 13, 2947-57
Khodoun, Marat; Strait, Richard; Orekov, Tatyana; Hogan, Simon; Karasuyama, Hajime; Herbert, De'broski R; Köhl, Jörg; Finkelman, Fred D 2009. Peanuts can contribute to anaphylactic shock by activating complement. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 123 2, 342-51
Madan, Rajat; Demircik, Filiz; Surianarayanan, Sangeetha; Allen, Jessica L; Divanovic, Senad; Trompette, Aurelien; Yogev, Nir; Gu, Yuanyuan; Khodoun, Marat; Hildeman, David; Boespflug, Nicholas; Fogolin, Mariela B; Gröbe, Lothar; Greweling, Marina; Finkelman, Fred D; Cardin, Rhonda; Mohrs, Markus; Müller, Werner; Waisman, Ari; Roers, Axel; Karp, Christopher L 2009. Nonredundant roles for B cell-derived IL-10 in immune counter-regulation. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 183 4, 2312-20
Morris, Suzanne C; Heidorn, Stephanie M; Herbert, De'Broski R; Perkins, Charles; Hildeman, David A; Khodoun, Marat V; Finkelman, Fred D 2009. Endogenously produced IL-4 nonredundantly stimulates CD8+ T cell proliferation. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 182 3, 1429-38
Khodoun, Marat; Lewis, Christina C; Lewis, Christina; Yang, Jun-Qi; Orekov, Tatyana; Potter, Crystal; Wynn, Thomas; Mentink-Kane, Margaret; Hershey, Gurjit K Khurana; Wills-Karp, Marsha; Finkelman, Fred D 2007. Differences in expression, affinity, and function of soluble (s)IL-4Ralpha and sIL-13Ralpha2 suggest opposite effects on allergic responses. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 179 10, 6429-38
Belenkaya, Tatyana Y; Han, Chun; Yan, Dong; Opoka, Robert J; Khodoun, Marat; Liu, Hongzhu; Lin, Xinhua 2004. Drosophila Dpp morphogen movement is independent of dynamin-mediated endocytosis but regulated by the glypican members of heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Cell, 119 2, 231-44
Han, Chun; Belenkaya, Tatyana Y; Khodoun, Marat; Tauchi, Miyuki; Lin, Xinda; Lin, Xinhua 2004. Distinct and collaborative roles of Drosophila EXT family proteins in morphogen signalling and gradient formation. Development (Cambridge, England), 131 7, 1563-75
Khodoun, Marat V; Orekhova, Tatyana; Potter, Crystal; Morris, Suzanne; Finkelman, Fred D 2004. Basophils initiate IL-4 production during a memory T-dependent response. The Journal of experimental medicine, 200 7, 857-70
Strait R.;Posgai M.;Mahler A.;Barasa N.;Jacob C.;Köhl J.;Ehlers M.;Stringer K.;Shanmukhappa S.;Witte D.;Hossain M.;Khodoun M.;Herr A.;Finkelman F. 10-29-2015. Erratum: IgG1 protects against renal disease in a mouse model of cryoglobulinaemia (Nature (2015) 51 Nature, 526 7575, 728
Karyagina A.;Shilov I.;Tashlitskii V.;Khodoun M.;Vasil'ev S.;Lau P.;Nikolskaya I. 08-02-1997. Specific binding of SsoII DNA methyltransferase to its promoter region provides the regulation of Ss Nucleic Acids Research, 25 11, 2114-2120
Munitz A.;Bachelet I.;Eliashar R.;Khodoun M.;Finkelman F.;Rothenberg M.;Levi-Schaffer F. 07-01-2006. CD48 is an allergen and IL-3-induced activation molecule on eosinophils Journal of Immunology, 177 1, 77-83
Shilov I.;Tashlitsky V.;Khodoun M.;Vasil'ev S.;Alekseev Y.;Kuzubov A.;Kubareva E.;Karyagina A. 06-01-1998. DNA-methyltransferase Ssoll interaction with own promoter region binding site Nucleic Acids Research, 26 11, 2659-2664
Khodoun M.V.;Kucuk Z.Y.;Strait R.T.;Krishnamurthy D.;Janek K.;Clay C.D.;Morris S.C.;Finkelman F.D. 01-01-2013. Rapid desensitization of mice with anti-Fc?RIIb/Fc?RIII mAb safely prevents IgG-mediated anaphylaxis Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 132 6, 1375-1387
Khodoun M.V.;Kucuk Z.Y.;Strait R.T.;Krishnamurthy D.;Janek K.;Lewkowich I.;Morris S.C.;Finkelman F.D. 01-01-2013. Rapid polyclonal desensitization with antibodies to IgE and Fc?RI? Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 131 6,
Strait R.;Mahler A.;Hogan S.;Khodoun M.;Shibuya A.;Finkelman F. 01-01-2011. Ingested allergens must be absorbed systemically to induce systemic anaphylaxis Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 127 4,
Khodoun M.;Lewis C.;Yang J.;Orekov T.;Potter C.;Wynn T.;Mentink-Kane M.;Khurana Hershey G.;Wills-Karp M.;Finkelman F. 01-01-2008. Differences in expression, affinity, and function of soluble (s)IL-4R? and sIL-13R?2 suggest opposit Journal of Immunology, 180 1, 664