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Since its establishment in 2000, the Ohio Valley Node (OVN) has been one of the most productive of the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN) nodes, in both leading and participating in multisite trials, with 20 OVN sites, located in 10 different states serving in > 40 CTN trials. The OVN currently includes successful partnerships with six healthcare systems, three practice-based research/pharmacy networks, and eight addiction specialty/ infectious disease programs. These collaborating sites span a ten-state region (IL, IN, KY, MO, ND, OH, SD, TN, WI, WV). The OVN Research Core is the driving force of the OVN and is led by Dr. Winhusen, one of the foremost experts in conducting multi-site addiction clinical trials in clinical settings. The OVN investigators have extensive expertise in substance use disorders (Winhusen, Brown, Burlew, Montgomery, Lofwall, Walsh), research with marginalized populations (Brown, Burlew, Montgomery, Warne) and data science (Xu). The six members of the OVN research-implementation team bring > 75 years of combined experience conducting CTN clinical trials. Our overall goal is to conduct the research needed to address public health care crises, including the opioid use epidemic and the alarming increase in stimulant use. Completed trials are listed below.