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Resident Wellness


Work. Life. Balance.

Residency is an exciting, yet challenging time in your medical training. At UC, we pride ourselves on our camaraderie and sense of community. We believe that wellness and self-care are cornerstones in creating caring, motivated, and happy physicians. Our residents are a diverse group who support each other on patient care teams, in the operating room, and out of the hospital.

Resident in swimming pool

We Stay Active

Our residents are always on the move. From group boxing classes, to our annual Surgeons, Scholars, & Leaders retreat in Jackson Hole, our department supports us staying fit...even when we beat them in the resident vs. faculty softball game. We have an in-hospital gym and a resident fitness stipend you can spend on a gym membership or workout classes. We also love exploring the city's hills, running across the bridges to train for the Flying Pig Marathon and Queen Bee half, or doing Pilates and Yoga in Washington Park.

Residents on ski slope

We Stay Fed

Food keeps us going. Our surgery lounge stays stocked with a full pantry, fridge, and freezer to fuel you throughout the day. Outside of work, if you can take a break from Cincinnati's bustling food scene, you will stay well fed at our family picnic, holiday party, chiefs’ dinner, and many other department-sponsored events. You can find residents at each other’s and attendings' houses for weekend potlucks, cooking classes, and Thanksgiving for those far from home.

Residents at annual softball game

We Stay Together

Our surgery department is a family, through and through. From learning knot-tying with the lab residents as an intern, to coaching your junior through a case as a chief, our residents are always there for each other. Your co-residents are there through the happy and tough days in the hospital, as well as the birthdays, weddings, and births outside of it. Our program fosters an environment where we are eager to assist one another, and it provides the coaching we need to not only graduate as technically proficient and safe surgeons, but ones who are compassionate leaders and team players.

Residents at formal affair


Residents taking cooking class Residents at dinner outingResidents' night outResidents on holiday shopping tripBoxing camp



Jeffrey J. Sussman, MD
General Surgery Residency Director

Jenna M. Lengerich, MHA
General Surgery Residency Coordinator
Phone: 513-558-4206

Beth Limke
General Surgery Residency Assistant Coordinator
Phone: 513-558-5862

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Department of

University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0558

Mail Location: 0558
Education: 513-558-4206