The Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Informatics program provides an in-depth knowledge of the key analytical concepts that underlie applications of informatics and data science to biomedical research. The program simultaneously encourages students to actively apply these conceptual frameworks in order to make new discoveries, translate data into actionable knowledge, and improve health care practice.
Leveraging partnerships between several colleges at the University of Cincinnati, including the colleges of medicine; engineering and applied sciences; allied health sciences; design, architecture, art and planning; business, and arts and sciences, the Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Informatics program builds on existing graduate-level programs in those related disciplines.
The curriculum for the program reflects these principles and the interdisciplinary nature of data-driven biosciences. It includes 19 core credits, six credits of general medical sciences, 12 credits of technical elective courses, with the remaining 53 credits going toward research dissertation.
It incorporates several subjects from related disciplines including big data, bioinformatics, biostatistics, clinical informatics, health care analytics, genomics, and systems biology. It also emphasizes using applied and basic scientific principles within a team science structure.
The program can be completed in four years (eight semesters) of full-time study, but not less than three years. Years one and two include coursework, rotations, a qualifying exam, and completion of a dissertation proposal. Years three and four consist of a clinical informatics practicum, research, and dissertation writing.
Contact Us
Graduate Programs inBiostatistics, Health Informatics & Data Sciences
3333 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039
Mail Location: 7024
Phone: 513-636-6250
Email: Biomedical Informatics Graduate