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Research Experiences

MS students have the exciting opportunity to participate in research rotation experiences throughout each semester. Students may select from numerous expert UC and Cincinnati Children's research faculty. The laboratory experiences provide students with the opportunity to become familiar with important models of disease while learning the necessary techniques typically used in various aspects of the drug discovery and development process.

If a student excels in their current laboratory rotation they may submit a request to continue with their current faculty mentor for the remainder of the academic year. MS students who wish to remain in their chosen lab will typically conduct a 1) short research project or 2) a critical analysis of a key literature topic. Often this work can lead to a written report in the form of a review article.

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Pharmacology, Physiology, and Neurobiology
Master's Programs

University of Cincinnati
PO Box 670576
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0576

Ms. Tracy Yarchi
Program Manager
Phone: 513-558-4188