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The Office of Graduate Education at the University Of Cincinnati College Of Medicine recognizes and welcomes students, faculty, and staff. Each day we are working make UC a better and more just community.  

As members of this community, we will

  • Accept Responsibility by striving to build a learning community committed to these common values and principles.
  • Celebrate the Uniqueness of Each Individual by respecting individual differences and promoting common interests.
  • Embrace Freedom and Openness by working to create an environment that is safe and affirming, one that nurtures independent thinking and the free and open expression of ideas.
  • Practice Civility by extending to those we meet the same respect, cooperation and caring that we expect from others.
  • Promote Justice by working to build a learning environment that offers everyone an equal opportunity to grow, flourish and contribute.
  • Pursue Learning and Scholarship by building on successes, learning from mistakes and pursuing quality in teaching, research and creative endeavors.
  • Seek Integrity by aspiring to the highest moral and ethical standards.
  • Strive for Excellence by aspiring to achieve our fullest potential in our educational and personal pursuits.”
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Contact Us

University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine

CARE/Crawley Building
Suite E-870
3230 Eden Avenue
PO Box 670555
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0555

Mail Location: 0555
Phone: 513-558-7333
Fax: 513-558-3512
Email: College of Medicine