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Funding & Awards

Graduate Programs offer competitive funding packages to accepted students (see individual programs for more details). Many students are also eligible for external awards. See our Current Students page to learn more about recent award recipients.

Yates Fellowship Program

The mission of the Yates Fellowship Program at the University of Cincinnati is to enrich the educational environment for all graduate students by supporting the recruitment and retention of U.S. citizens or permanent residents with high potential for academic success to graduate programs at the University of Cincinnati. Applicants should be sure to identify their eligibility to their program. Application portfolios must be completed as early as possible in order for the applicant's program to evaluate their eligibility. Learn more about the Yates Fellowship Program

Provost Award

The UC Graduate School proudly introduces the Provost Graduate Fellowships (PGF): grants for promising new PhD students. Generously funded by Provost Davenport, these new awards signify the commitment of UC’s leadership to making graduate education mirror American society. Learn more about the Provost Graduate Fellowships

NIH Individual Predoctoral Fellowships

The Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards for Individual Predoctoral Fellowships in Health-Related Research will provide up to five years of support for research training leading to the Ph.D. or equivalent research degree; the combined M.D./Ph.D. degree; or other combined professional degree and research doctoral degree in the biomedical, behavioral, health services, or clinical sciences. This initiative seeks to improve of the health-related research workforce by supporting the training of predoctoral students.

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University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine

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Suite E-870
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Cincinnati, OH 45267-0555

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Email: College of Medicine