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Please see more information about these studies below. If you would like to discuss the study in more detail or see if you qualify, please email us at or call us at 513-584-4100
Healthy Female Volunteers Needed
WhatThe purpose of this research study is to evaluate how safe and effective an investigational hormone-free intravaginal contraceptive disk is in preventing pregnancy. The study-related vaginal contraceptive disk and medical exams will be provided at no cost. Participation will last approximately 13 months.
WhoHealthy women 18 to 40 years old who are in a sexually active relationship and have regular menstrual cycles.
PayParticipants may be reimbursed up to $1614.00 for time and travel completing the study visits and the electronic diaries. Participants may partake in optional sample collection and be reimbursed up to $150.00 for additional samples provided.
WhatThe purpose of this research study is to evaluate how women’s bodies are affected differently by emergency contraception. The study is specifically looking at the genetic factors that could lead to the medication being less effective in certain groups of women. Participants must be willing to take one dose of the emergency contraceptive, Ella®. Participation will last approximately 6 to 8 weeks.
WhoHealthy women ages 18-40 years old who have regular menstrual cycles and who have not taken hormonal contraception in the last 8 weeks.
PayParticipants may be compensated up to $725.00 for time and travel completing the study visits. Study-related medication and medical exams will be provided at no cost.
Healthy Pregnant Women Needed
WhatThe purpose of this research study is to collect blood specimens to be used in the development of a new test for the detection and measurement of progesterone. Participation includes one study visit.
WhoHealthy females over the age of 18 years old with a confirmed pregnancy with one baby (no multiples).
PayParticipants will be compensated $50.00 for completing the blood draw visit.
Have Endometriosis-Related Pain?
WhatThe purpose of this research study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of an investigational drug to lessen the severity of moderate to severe endometriosis-related pain.
WhoPremenopausal women ages 18-49 with endometriosis-related pain and have surgically diagnosed endometriosis. Willing to complete a 6.5-month study participation with a 4-cycle treatment period and follow-up visits. Additional study criteria apply.
PayParticipants will be compensated up to $1,840 for completing study visits. Study-related medical exams and visits will be provided at no cost.
For more information or to see if you qualify, please contact UC Reproductive Medicine Research at 513-584-4100 or email
Medical Sciences Building Room 7254231 Albert Sabin WayMail Location: 0526Cincinnati, OH 45267-0526
Patient Care OfficePhone: 513-475-8588Fax: 513-475-8726