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Current Lab Members

Dr. Jianyong (Mark) Ma, Research Scientist

Mark has an MD degree in cardiology and a PhD degree in cardiac physiology. He is currently studying the effects of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals on human iPSC-derived cardiac myocytes, and the physiological and pathophysiological functions of proton channels in the heart.

Latia Tucker, graduate student

Latia is interested in the effects of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals on blood coagulation. Blood coagulation stops blood lose in cases of injury, and is also a key factor in diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Latia is conducting animal exposure studies to determine how bisphenol-type chemicals, both alone and in combination, affect coagulation.    

Leah Ross & Christian Grube, undergraduate students

Leah and Chris are both students in the Medical Science Program and joined the lab recently. They are currently undergoing animal trainings and helping out in the lab projects, and plan to develop ad pursue their own research projects.

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Department of
Pharmacology, Physiology, & Neurobiology
College of Medicine
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0575