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AHA Summer Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE)

Since 2019, the American Heart Association’s (AHA) SURE Scholars Program has been piloted through five U.S. academic institutions. It was borne from an AHA-commissioned study to increase the number of undergraduate research opportunities in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM). The program has successfully launched more than 100 undergraduate STEMM majors, and as of 2024 the University of Cincinnati has been selected to participate in this program. The AHA SURE program at UC offers three undergraduate students the opportunity to do research in a cardiovascular research laboratory for 10 weeks during the summer. Scholars interested in applying for the AHA SURE program must meet the AHA eligibility requirements, must be a full-time undergraduate student going into their sophomore, junior or senior year, and must be majoring in a health-related field.

The AHA SURE program will expose undergraduate students to intriguing research challenges and discoveries in cardiovascular disease, with the goal of encouraging these students to pursue research in these areas as they mature into scientists. Students will experience hands-on learning in some of the broad domains of clinical, translational, population, basic science, bioengineering and biotechnology, public health, and team science. At the end of the 10-week program, students will present their work in poster form at the College of Medicine SURF Capstone Poster Symposium where they will compete with other SURF students for awards.

  • $6,000 stipend per scholar for each 10-week summer experience (full-time effort of the scholar during the two-month research experience).
  • AHA will cover UP TO $7,000 in housing and meal costs for each student who is not local and therefore, needs room and board.
  • AHA hosts a virtual symposium each August and requires each SURE scholar to present a brief talk about their research project. This symposium is attended by all scholars and mentors.
  • AHA will cover the cost for SURE scholars to attend Scientific Sessions in November following the completion of their summer research experience.
  • AHA will cover the cost to fly summer scholars to their destination institution (if needed).
  • Application website: Online COM SURE Application

Contact Us

Office of AHA SURF

Cardiovascular Research Center
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670586
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0548

Mail Location: 0586