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How to Apply

SURF Heart Eligibility

The application process for SURF Heart is extremely competitive. Undergraduate students that have completed at least one year at an accredited university or college with a minimum GPA of 3.0 are eligible to apply. Students must be US citizens or permanent residents. Selection is based on the students’ field of study, scientific coursework (such as biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, bioinformatics, and mathematics), letters of recommendation and interest in cardiovascular or stroke research. The AHA SURE program has specific eligibility requirements for scholars in a STEMM field.

Application and Selection Process

Interested and qualified students should apply to the SURF Heart Program through the Online COM SURF Application. Applications are accepted between November 15 and February 1 preceding the summer in which the applicant wishes to participate. The online application requires students to submit their resume, transcripts (unofficial is acceptable) and at least one letter of recommendation, as well as fill out online essay questions addressing their motivation for pursuing research, their research goals, and previous research experience. The selection committee and faculty mentors will be responsible for the evaluation and ranking of potential students.

There is a single application for multiple UC COM SURF programs. Students are encouraged to apply for multiple programs, however be sure to indicate your research interest areas and potential mentors in response to the essay questions.

Note: incomplete or late applications will not be considered. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application and all supporting materials, including letters of recommendation, have been received by the February 1 deadline.

Contact Us

Office of AHA SURF

Cardiovascular Research Center
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670586
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0548

Mail Location: 0586