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MSTP Faculty

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NameResearch BioContact
Alenghat, TheresaEpithelial and immune cell homeostasis in the context of intestinal health and disease. The goals of the lab are to provide insight into molecular mechanisms, including epigenomic pathways, that mediate the host-microbiota

View Profile of Theresa Alenghat
Araki, KoichiUnderstanding of T cell memory and

View Profile of Koichi Araki
Askew, DavidUnderstand the contribution of endoplasmic reticulum stress responses to the virulence and antifungal drug susceptibility of the pathogenic mold Aspergillus

View Profile of David Askew
Baccei, MarkNeurobiological mechanisms underlying pediatric pain; Maturation of nociceptive circuits in the CNS under normal and pathological conditions.

View Profile of Mark Baccei

Barski, ArtemEpigenomics with a focus on the mechanisms of epigenetic regulation involved in T helper cell activation, tolerance and memory. User-friendly bioinformatics for epigenomics and NGS data in general.

View Profile of Artem Barski

Basu, IshitaThe overall goal of my research program is computational model and neural data driven development of neuromodulation paradigms for improving cognitive control in patients with neurological and psychiatric disorders.

View Profile of Ishita Basu

Bessett, DanielleBessett’s research centers on the sociology of reproduction, including patient experiences of reproductive processes, disparities in access to care, and knowledge about reproductive health. She co-leads the research initiative,


View Profile of Danielle Bessett

Biagini, JocelynGenetic and environmental risk factors of asthma and allergic disease; allergic disease epidemiology, progression and phenotyping (asthma, eczema, food allergy); cohort design, recruitment and

View Profile of Jocelyn Biagini Myers
Blackard, Jason

Currently directs a translational research laboratory which focuses on human and mechanistic studies to understand the interactions between various viral pathogens. Using a variety of cell culture systems, molecular virology techniques, and patient-derived samples, I investigate the pathogenic and evolutionary mechanisms by which viruses interact with the host and cause disease. At present, laboratory studies involve hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis E virus (HEV), pegiviruses (HPgV; GBV-C), and HIV and include international collaborations in South Africa, Botswana, India, Nigeria, and Ghana.

View Profile of Jason Blackard
Boscolo, ElisaTranslational and molecular studies to identify new therapeutic targeted drugs for developmental vascular

View Profile of Elisa Boscolo
Brugmann, SamanthaInterested in craniofacial development and the etiology of craniofacial

View Profile of Samantha Brugmann
Brunst, KellyEffects of environmental exposures on the programming of biological mechanisms related to chronic conditions in childhood including respiratory and neurodevelopment/mental health outcomes. Application of epigenetics and mitochondriomics to population

View Profile of Kelly Brunst
Byrd, JohnDr. Byrd’s laboratory research focuses on preclinical studies of targeted and immune therapeutics along with development of novel pharmacodynamic models and animal systems to study new therapies in myeloid and lymphoid malignancies. Dr. Byrd has been active in developing several therapeutics that are now FDA approved for the treatment of CLL and AML. In addition, he works closely with investigators in the Bloomfield Prognostic Center, Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology, and Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Beat AML group to develop biomarkers that predict response to targeted therapy in

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Campbell, KennethOur research focuses on the molecular genetics of neural development with a focus on development of the basal ganglia and surrounding ventral telencephalic

View Profile of Kenneth Campbell
Cecil, KimOur research employs magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging techniques to evaluate the effects of environmental neurotoxicants on humans. We also study neurological disorders such as creatine deficiency

View Profile of Kim Cecil
Chella Krishnan, KarthickeyanUnderstand how host genetic variations and sex differences influence the mitochondrial (dys)function and increases the severity and outcomes of cardiometabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart failure and fatty liver

View Profile of Karthickeyan Chella Krishnan
Chen, JichaoLung development and regeneration, focusing on intercellular signaling and transcriptional control and using a combination of mouse genetics, single-cell genomics, 3D imaging, and artificial intelligence.

View Profile of Jichao Chen

Clark, JosephConcussion and mTBI diagnosis, management, return to play, rehabilitation and

View Profile of Joseph Clark
Cleveland, ZackaryOur research focuses on developing radiation-fee methods to quantify regional lung structure and function in patients and small animal models of disease. Specifically, we apply ultra-short echo time and hyperpolarized gas MRI to a variety of disorders, including environmental exposure, interstitial lung disease, cystic fibrosis, and acute lung injury.

View Profile of Zackary Cleveland

Coghill, RobertOur research delineates the neural mechanisms supporting individual differences in pain by interleaving data obtained with functional MRI (fMRI) of brain activity with subjective reports of pain and psychological state.

View Profile of Robert Coghill

Collins, AmélieDevelopment and function of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in the perinatal period and how this relates to the ability of neonates to respond to inflammation and fight infection.

View Profile of Amélie Collins

Conforti, LauraDr. Conforti laboratory studies cancer and autoimmunity. The main focus areas are: (1) to understand the role that ion channels and the tumor microenvironment play in the failure of immunosurveillance and the resistance to immunotherapies in cancer, (2) to study how ion channels contribute to SLE, and (3) to develop nanoparticles for targeted therapies.


View Profile of Laura Conforti

Crone, StevenNeural control of breathing. We develop therapies to alter activity of respiratory neurons to improve ventilation in mouse models (and patients) with neuromuscular disease or spinal cord injury.

View Profile of Steven Crone

Cunningham, TomThe Cunningham lab aims to understand the metabolic alterations that underlie developmental disorders and cancer using the toolkits of biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, mouse genetics, and computational genomics.

View Profile of Tom Cunningham

Cushion, Melanie

Metatranscriptomics and preclinical drug development for treatment of the AIDS-related opportunistic pathogen Pneumocystis carinii.

View Profile of Melanie Cushion

Czyzyk-Krzeska, MariaMolecular pathways regulated by renal cancer tumor suppressor, particularly VHL. Mechanisms of oncogenic and tumorsuppressing autophagy. MicroRNA networks in control of

View Profile of Maria Czyzyk-Krzeska
Danzer, SteveOur lab focuses on elucidating the basic mechanisms that underlie the development of temporal lobe epilepsy. We also investigate the mechanisms that regulate the development of epilepsy comorbidities, such as stress-anxiety disorders and depression.

View Profile of Steve Danzer

Davidson, SeanThe overall aim of the lab is to understand the mechanisms by which the body protects itself from heart disease. We use mutagenesis and spectroscopic techniques to study the structure/function relationships of the proteins that comprise high density

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Deka, RanjanEpidemiology and genetics of complex diseases, particularly identifying susceptibility genes predisposing individuals to cardiometabolic diseases and type 2

View Profile of Ranjan Deka
DelBello, MelissaNeurodevelopment of childhood and adolescent bipolar and the neuropsychopharmacology of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents.

View Profile of Melissa DelBello

Deshmukh, Hitesh

Using a combination of human studies and developmentally appropriate preclinical models in non-human primates and mice, our lab investigates the cellular components and molecular targets by which intestinal commensal bacteria direct development of innate defenses of the lungs in newborns.

View Profile of Hitesh Deshmukh

Dexheimer, JudithStudies developing, implementing and evaluating clinical information systems, including clinical decision and artificial intelligence applications. Her research focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of clinical decision support systems improving clinical care.

View Profile of Judith Dexheimer

Dey, SudhansuMolecular and genetic basis of embryo

View Profile of Sudhansu Dey
Divanovic, SenadInnate immune responses; obesity; NAFLD; preterm

View Profile of Senad Divanovic
Drosatos, KonstantinosResearch in the Drosatos Lab focuses on signaling pathways and transcriptional regulation mechanisms that link cardiac stress in diabetes, sepsis and ischemic heart failure with altered myocardial and systemic fatty acid

View Profile of Konstantinos Drosatos
Erickson, CraigFragile X syndrome; autism spectrum

View Profile of Craig Erickson
Erickson, JohnMy lab studies antibody and antigen glycosylation related to host defense and tolerance. We discovered that modifications to antibody N-glycans during pregnancy enable protection against intracellular

View Profile of John Erickson
Esfandiari, LeylaDr. Esfandiari has a multidisciplinary research laboratory utilizing the cutting edge nanotechnologies and microfabrication techniques with the main focus to develop novel bioanalytical tools including highly sensitive and implantable micro/nano-scale sensors, actuators and three dimensional smart scaffolds to foster the fundamental understanding of signaling pathways in regenerative medicine, organogenesis and disease progression. Her team has also developed and patented a novel liquid biopsy technology for rapid and early diagnosis of circulating biomarkers in cancer and other diseases.

View Profile of Leyla Esfandiari

Fan, Guo-ChangDefine the molecular/cellular mechanisms underlying Sepsis- and Sterile Inflammation-triggered cardiovascular remodeling.FANGG@UCMAIL.UC.EDU

View Profile of Guo-Chang Fan
Fernandez, DiegoOur lab investigates the brain mechanisms encoding light to control innate processes, including sleep and mood. Using mouse models, we further study the basis of disorders linked to environmental stressors.

View Profile of Diego Fernandez

Filippi, Marie DominiqueThe overarching goal of my research program is to understand the molecular regulation of hematopoietic cell functions. One outstanding question of hematopoietic stem cell biology is to understand what determines HSC regenerative potential and why HSC sustain injury during replication under stress conditions such bone marrow transplantation and at steady state. My lab investigates the mechanism behind HSC injury and functional decline with bone marrow transplantation in order to provide rationale to improve bone marrow transplantation

View Profile of Marie-Dominique Filippi
Gebelein, BrianPatterning the nervous system during

View Profile of Brian Gebelein
Grimes, H. LeightonMechanistic and pre-translational studies of hematopoietic disorders, including marrow failure, myelodysplasia and

View Profile of Leighton H. Grimes
Gross, NinaAnalysis of molecular mechanisms underlying brain disorders such as Fragile X syndrome, epilepsy and autism with the goal to identify novel treatment

View Profile of Nina Gross
Guan, Jun-Lin

The overall goals of the Guan laboratory is to understand the fundamental principles of cell signaling in the regulation of basic cellular functions in normal cell and developmental processes and to determine how the disruption of normal signaling pathways lead to diseases such as cancer.

View Profile of Jun-Lin Guan
Hagan, Thomas

Dr. Hagan’s research is focused on using computational and systems biology approaches to understand immune development, aging, and response to vaccination and infection.

View Profile of Thomas Hagan
Haworth, KevinOur laboratory investigates therapeutic uses of ultrasound, including inhibition of reperfusion injury and transient opening of the blood brain barrier. Additionally, we pursue ultrasound-based image guidance techniques for therapeutic ultrasound.

View Profile of Kevin Haworth
Hegde, RashmiElucidation of molecular mechanisms and therapeutic strategies for pediatric solid tumors (Ewing sarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma, glioblastoma), proliferative retinopathies (Retinopathy of Prematurity and Diabetic Retinopathy), and Pulmonary Arterial

View Profile of Rashmi Hegde
Heikenfeld, JasonDisruptive and entrepreneurial device research that is currently focused on advancing the frontiers of

View Profile of Jason Heikenfeld
Herman, JamesStructural, functional and molecular biological principles underlying brain stress integration.HERMANJS@UCMAIL.UC.EDU

View Profile of James Herman
Herr, AndrewBiophysical and structural studies of proteins involved in bacterial biofilm formation, humoral immune responses, and

View Profile of Andrew Herr
Herro, RanaFibrosis is the end result of many inflammatory, autoimmune, and malignant diseases, often triggered by epithelial injury. It is characterized by an inflammatory phase followed by tissue remodeling leading to the uncontrolled accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins expressed by myofibroblasts, in failing internal organs. Fibrosis is responsible for 45% of death in USA and current therapies slow the rate of decline or limit inflammation without effectively reversing tissue remodeling and fibers’ deposition. Hence the need to develop novel anti-fibrotic drugs that limit myofibroblast survival and activity to suppress disease symptoms. The Herro’s lab investigates the involvement of TNF Superfamily members in fibrosis associated with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Systemic Sclerosis, Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitits, Asthma and Atopic Dermatitis, among others. Using a Human-Mouse-Human strategy, Dr Herro’s team aims to identify drug targets (including TNF molecules) in fibrotic biopsies of patients, validate the implication of such targets and pathways in murine models of disease using conditional or full knockout mice, and translate these findings to humans using in vitro models ( organ-on-chip cultures of primary human cells perpetuating disease in patients). This should establish a proof-of concept to target these molecules in therapeutic intervention to cure fibrosis in

View Profile of Rana Herro
Hershey, Gurjit KhuranaFocuses on delineating the genetic and environmental factors that promote asthma /allergy phenotypes and dissecting the mechanisms by which they confer risk, and significantly advancing the knowledge of the immunomodulatory roles of allergens and other exposures.

View Profile of Gurjit Khurana Hershey
Hildeman, DavidMolecular biology of antigen-specific T cells, including cell signaling, apoptosis, and development of memory. Noveltherapeutics to eliminate T cells causing autoimmunity and transplant

View Profile of David Hildeman
Ho, Chia-ChiApply micro fabrication and nanotechnology to construct precisely designed geometrical networks of neuronal cluster and bottom up assembly of

View Profile of Chia-Chi Ho
Hogenesch, JohnOur lab studies genome and circadian biology in mammals. We focus on how we can leverage this knowledge to improve human

View Profile of John Hogenesch
Holland, ChristyDiagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound and image-guided targeted drug delivery.

View Profile of Christy Holland

Hong, ChristianRoles of circadian rhythms in the gastrointestinal system, development of colorectal cancer and its

View Profile of Christian Hong
Hui, DavidInfluence of genetic factors such as apoE, LDL receptor family proteins, and pancreatic digestive enzymes, in modulating cardiometabolic diseases, including atherosclerosis, obesity, and

View Profile of David Hui
Hyacinth, HyacinthMy overall research interest is to understand the biological basis for racial disparity in stroke, cognitive impairment and dementia and to utilize this knowledge for the development of more targeted therapies and prevention

View Profile of Hyacinth Hyacinth
Ikegami, KohtaGenomic and systems biology approaches to understanding pathophysiology associated with nuclear and chromatin structure alterations, with a special focus on cardiovascular

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Iwafuchi, MakikoEpigenetic and transcriptional regulations by pioneer transcription factors for cell fate programming and

View Profile of Makiko Iwafuchi
Jankowski, MichaelOur lab is interested in the molecular mechanisms of sensory neuron plasticity after peripheral injuries in adults and neonates.

View Profile of Michael Jankowski

Jegga, AnilDesign, develop and apply novel and robust computational approaches that will accelerate the diffusion of genomics into biomedical research and education and convert the genomics data deluge into systematized knowledge to enable translational research. Research focus areas: computational drug discovery and drug repositioning, network medicine, systems biology of disease and drug response

View Profile of Anil Jegga

Jiang, RulangMechanisms of craniofacial, kidney, and musculoskeletal organ

View Profile of Rulang Jiang
Kalfa, TheodosiaErythropoiesis studies focused on signaling and cytoskeletal requirements in erythroblast cytokinesis and enucleation. Role of Rac GTPases and NADPH oxidase in generation of ROS from sickle cells and their role in SCD

View Profile of Theodosia Kalfa
Kottyan, Leah

The Kottyan lab works to identify the molecular mechanisms mediating the genetic etiology of Systemic lupus erythematous and Eosinophilic Esophagitis.

View Profile of Leah Kottyan

Kovall, RhettTranscription regulation in the Notch signaling pathway; aberrant Notch signaling underlying the pathogenesis of human diseases including congenital defects, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

View Profile of Rhett Kovall

Kranias, LitsaElucidate the role of Ca-handling and Ca-signaling in myocardial function and survival with the aim to provide fundamental mechanistic insights and identify novel therapeutic

View Profile of Litsa Kranias
Lang, RichardNon-visual opsins and light response pathways in development and

View Profile of Richard Lang
Le Cras, TimVascular Malformations & Disease in

View Profile of Tim Le Cras
Lewkowich, IanMy lab studies the pathogenesis of severe allergic asthma. Studies seek to identify mechanisms through which early life exposures, including those to the mother and/or father contribute to asthma

View Profile of Ian Lewkowich
Liu, ShijieCardiovascular disease; heart regeneration,  cardiac remodeling, cell signaling, cytoskeleton, microtubules, cell cycle, proliferation, protein synthesis.

View Profile of Shijie Liu

Lu, Richard Q.Molecular mechanisms of glial biology, neurological disorders, and brain cancers; Gene regulatory networks for functional regeneration in demyelinating diseases. Novel therapeutic approaches to brain

View Profile of Richard Q. Lu
Lucas, DanielThe Lucas lab uses state of the art imaging approaches to understand the physiology of normal hematopoiesis and the pathology of acute myeloid

View Profile of Daniel Lucas
Luo, AgnesUtilizing a combination of cell-type specific genetic modification and pharmacological manipulations, our research focuses on key molecular pathways that promote neuroprotection (early intervention) or enhance neuroregeneration (late intervention) in neurological

View Profile of Agnes Luo
Mackenzie, BryanIron homeostasis and disorders of iron metabolism. Molecular physiology and structure–function of human iron-transport proteins (DMT1, ferroportin, ZIP14)

View Profile of Bryan Mackenzie
Makarewich, CatherineOur lab investigates the molecular mechanisms that underlie the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease and skeletal muscle

View Profile of Catherine Makarewich
Malik, PunamResearch focus is gene therapy or gene editing of hematopoietic stem cells to correct hemoglobinopathies and other stem cell disorders, stem cell maintenance during genetic manipulation, non-toxic conditioning. Also, studies on pathophysiology of sickle cell disease, to reduce morbidity and mortality from sickle cell disease.

View Profile of Punam Malik

Martin, JohnOur laboratory investigates synthetic biomaterials systems that selectively respond to cell-generated signals. These responsive systems are being explored in numerous applications, including injectable drug depots for craniofacial bone regeneration, microbe-triggered antibiotic delivery from orthopedic implants, and calcium-scavenging hydrogels for the prevention of pathologic calcification.

View Profile of John Martin

Mast, Douglas T.Therapeutic applications of medical ultrasound including image guidance and control of cancer ablation, biofeedback in speech therapy, ultrasound-enhanced drug delivery, and noninvasive measurements of tissue biomechanics.

View Profile of Douglas Mast

McCormack, FrancisParticularly interested in the antimicrobial, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory roles of surfactant proteins A and D in the alveolar

View Profile of Francis McCormack
McCracken, KyleInvestigation of kidney development and regenerative medicine through human pluripotent stem cell and organoid

View Profile of Kyle McCracken
Mendonca, EneidaMy research has focused on various aspects related to the application of information technology and informatics methodologies to support clinical practice, health prevention at population level, and translational research. Recent work included use of computational methods to clinical phenotyping and outcome prediction in asthma, cancer, and other clinical

View Profile of Eneida Mendonca
Mersha, Tesfaye

Dr. Mersha’s research interests lie in combining quantitative, ancestry and statistical genomics to unravel genetic and non-genetic contributions to asthma and asthma-related allergic disorders in human populations.

View Profile of Tesfaye Mersha

Mikedis, Maria

Molecular regulation of spermatogonial stem cell differentiation into sperm, using single cell sequencing technologies, molecular biology, functional genomics, bioinformatics, biochemistry, and mouse genetics.

View Profile of Maria Mikedis

Miles, Linde

My lab investigates biological mechanisms behind the development of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and how co-mutations synergize to drive disease using single cell multi-omics and preclinical mouse models of AML.

View Profile of Linde Miles

Millay, DouglasWe are interested the mechanisms that govern the development and regeneration of skeletal muscle. Our current focus is to understand the molecules and mechanisms that mediate myoblast

View Profile of Douglas Millay
Miller, WilliamThe Miller laboratory is interested in the mechanisms by which viral pathogens such as the cytomegaloviruses manipulate and alter host cell G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathways to facilitate viral dissemination.MILLERWE@UCMAIL.UC.EDU

View Profile of William Miller
Miraldi, Emily

Systems biology to immunoengineer, building mathematical models of the immune system from high-dimensional genomics measurements, to re-engineer immune responses in the context of autoimmune and other diseases.

View Profile of Emily Miraldi

Molkentin, JefferyTranscriptional control of cardiac development and the molecular signaling pathways involved in cardiac

View Profile of Jeffery Molkentin
Nakamura, TakahisaMolecular mechanism focusing on RNA networks for inter- and intra-cellular communications in the pathogenesis of metabolic diseases, particularly obesity, type 2 diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver

View Profile of Takahisa Nakamura
Ngwenya, LauraThe Translational Neurotrauma Laboratory aims to understand the mechanisms behind poor cognitive recovery after traumatic brain injury. The lab studies spreading depolarizations, adult neurogenesis, and molecular substrates to ultimately derive targeted interventions for injured

View Profile of Laura Ngwenya
Norman, AndrewDeveloping pharmacotherapies for drug abuse using self-administration behavior as a bioassay system to measure the absolute pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic potencies of receptor agonists and

View Profile of Andrew Norman
Owens, Phillip

The primary focus of my research is to examine the effects of coagulation proteins, proteases, and receptors in the pathogenesis cardiovascular disease (CVD), specifically atherosclerosis and abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs).

View Profile of Phillip Owens
Pan, DaoConducted translational research on in vivo or stem cell-mediated gene therapy for patients with neurological lysosomal storage diseases; interested in CNS pathogenesis and brain drug

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Parikh, NehalDr. Parikh is a neonatologist and neuroscientist that uses advanced neuroimaging, epigenetics, and machine learning to advance early diagnosis, prevention/treatment of perinatal brain injuries and neurodevelopmental disorders in high-risk newborns.

View Profile of Nehal Parikh
Park, YoonjeeAdvanced drug delivery platform to safely prolong efficacy, focused on long-term on-demand delivery. Current applications include, but not limited to, treatment for chronic eye diseases, vocal fold/trachea injury, and joint disorder.

View Profile of Yoonjee Park

Pasare, Chandrashekhar (Shekhar)Toll-like receptor signaling, Dendritic cell biology and Innate control of adaptive immunity. Goals of our lab are to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which the innate immune system induces inflammation and instructs adaptive immune system to mount protective immune responses against

View Profile of Chandrashekhar (Shekhar) Pasare
Pedapati, ErnestDr. Pedapati’s research involves biomarker and interventional trials in neurodevelopmental disorders including Fragile X Syndrome and autism. Ongoing research projects include: 1) cognitive enhancement in children with intellectual disability by neural entrainment, 2) non-invasive brain stimulation to improve depression and cognitive flexibility in autism, 3) development and characterization of adeno-associated virus (AAV) gene therapy for Fragile X

View Profile of Ernest Pedapati
Perl, Anne-KarinaUnderstanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate lung fibroblast function and differentiation during development, alveolar regeneration, fibrosis and lung transplant

View Profile of Anne-Karina Perl
Pestian, John

Dr. Pestian's lab focuses on developing advanced technology for the care of neuropsychiatric illness. The lab also focuses on earlier identification of individuals at risk of suicide, depression, and bipolar and anxiety disorders using verbal and non-verbal language.

View Profile of John Pestian
Plas, DavidWe study signal transduction control of oncogenic metabolic programs in cancers of the brain, blood and breast tissues. Our approaches include genetic/genomic analysis, metabolomics, patient-donated tumor models, mouse modeling and cell biology.

View Profile of David Plas
Pritts, TimOur overall research goal is to advance care for injured and critically ill patients, with a focus on resuscitation strategies, blood product improvement, and care for the wounded warfighter.   PRITTSTA@UCMAIL.UC.EDU

View Profile of Tim Pritts
Qi, XiaoyangFocused on developing novel theragnostic nanovesicles which have the potential to offer a targeted, potent, broad, and safe therapeutic efficacy and diagnostic application for cancer

View Profile of Qi Xiaoyang
Quattrocelli, MattiaThe Quattrocelli Lab investigates molecular mechanisms and translatable biomarkers in dysfunction and rescue of heart and skeletal muscle to combat chronic conditions like heart failure, muscular dystrophy, diabetes and aging.

View Profile of Mattia Quattrocelli

Rance, MarkApplication of NMR spectroscopy to macro-molecular structure; The structure/dynamics/function relationship in proteins and protein-nucleic acid

View Profile of Mark Rance
Ratner, NancyDevelopment of the nervous system; peripheral nerve tumor formation; Genetic mutations in tumor suppressor genes; Ras signal transduction.

View Profile of Nancy Ratner
Reyes, TeresaThe Reyes lab examines the effects of early life environmental adversity on cognition, incorporating neuroimmune and DNA methylation

View Profile of Teresa Reyes
Robinson, ElliottI am interested in how neural circuits involved in motivation and learning are dysregulated in mouse models of neurodevelopmental disorders. My lab also develops nervous system-targeted gene therapies to treat these

View Profile of Elliott Robinson
Rothenberg, MarcMechanisms of Allergic Inflammation.Genomic Analysis, Personalized Medicine, and Translational Research Inquiry of Allergy, with focus on Eosinophilic Disorders.

View Profile of Marc Rothenberg

Ryan, PatrickEpidemiology; air pollution; exposure assessment.

View Profile of Patrick Ryan

Sah, RenuThe focus of my research program is to understand mechanisms underlying fear and anxiety behaviors and how they manifest into disorders such as Panic Disorder (PD) and Posttraumatic Stress disorder (PTSD).

View Profile of Renu Sah

Salomonis, NathanThe Salomonis lab is working to understand the role of alternative splicing in human development and disease and integrate these results with epigenetic, gene expression, proteomic and single-cell sequencing

View Profile of Nathan Salomonis
Sasaki, AtsuoGTP energy metabolism; Signaling; Brain tumors; Brain metastatic cancers; Metabolic diseases; NAFLD; Biochemistry and cell biology combined with multidisciplinary approaches (e.g., X-ray structure, CryoEM, NMR, drug development).sasakiao@UCMAIL.UC.EDU

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Scaglioni, Pier PaoloMouse cancer models, cancer cell lines, small molecule inhibitors, RNAi, CRISPR/CAS9, lipid metabolism, lipidomics, KRAS, MYC, lung cancer, lymphoma, targeted

View Profile of Pier Paolo Scaglioni
Schuh, MeredithMechanisms of late gestation kidney development and the impact of prematurity and perinatal exposures on long-term kidney health

View Profile of Meredith Schuh

Schultz, Jo ElRole of opioid peptides and growth factors in cardiovascular function and response to stress and injury; mechanisms and pathology of cardiac function, cardiac growth and ischemia-reperfusion injury; role of growth factors in angiogenesis and ischemia-induced collateralization.

View Profile of Jo EL Schultz
Seegar, TomEctodomain shedding by enzymes is a fundamental process that is vital to human health and disease pathogenesis. Our research program strives is to study the mechanistic details of these enzymes, revealing the universal concepts that underpin function.

View Profile of Tom Seegar
Shao, WenhaiWe study the pathologic mechanisms and therapeutics of lupus and lupus nephritis with molecular and cellular tools in mouse models of lupus.

View Profile of Wenhai Shao
Shearn, JasonCreate better tissue engineered constructs for implantation and understand the mechanical environment for normal, injured and repairing tendons and

View Profile of Jason Shearn
Sherenian, MichaelAtopic dermatitis (eczema); asthma; food allergies; allergic rhinitis; fibrosis; genetic basis of allergic

View Profile of Michael Sherenian
Shin, SoonaMechanisms of liver cancer development with a focus on paracrine interactions and cell

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Slavotinek, AnneWe study rare diseases and birth defects using next-generation sequencing technologies and zebrafish to elucidate novel candidate genes and gene regulatory

View Profile of Anne Slavotinek
Soleimani, ManoocherCellular and molecular mechanisms of pH regulation in the

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Spearman, Paul

Pediatric infectious disease; HIV assembly, HIV biology/pathogenesis, HIV vaccines; vaccines and therapeutics for children (clinical trials).

View Profile of Paul Spearman
Starczynowski, DanielInterested in the molecular, cellular, and genetic basis of hematologic malignancies, with a specific focus on Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).

View Profile of Daniel Starczynowski

Steckl, AndrewNanoelectronics, biotech materials and

View Profile of Andrew Steckl
Takebe, TakanoriTakebe Lab investigates key biological principles governing organogenesis, that can be leveraged for designing stem-cell-derived organoid system towards future biomedical

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Thompson, ThomasStructure-function studies of the TGFbeta family and of

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Tilburgs, TamaraTolerance and Immunity at the maternal-fetal interface in human

View Profile of Tamara Tilburgs
Timberlake, JeffreyResearch interests include the sociology of population, urban sociology, race and ethnicity, and quantitative research

View Profile of Jeffery Timberlake
Timchenko, Nikolai

Dr. Timchenko is working with molecular mechanisms of Liver Cancer and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. His work focuses on the epigenetic changes that cause these liver diseases.

View Profile of Nikolai Timchenko
Trapnell, Bruce

Research on rare lung diseases including pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, cystic fibrosis, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Mechanisms of alveolar macrophage function. Experimental approaches include molecular techniques using gene knockout, transgenic and conditional gene expression mouse models and non-human primates, in vitro and in vivo viral gene transfer, and bone marrow transplantation.

View Profile of Bruce Trapnell

Ulrich-Lai, YvonneIdentify the neural and hormonal substrates that are responsible for the interactions among diet, obesity and

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Vannest, JenniferMy research is focused on understanding the development of language and cognition, how these skills are impacted by brain injuries and neurological/developmental disorders, and how specific interventions may improve

View Profile of Jennifer Vannest
Vorhees, CharlesWe study the synaptic protein Latrophilin-3, manganese transporter SLC30A10, pyrethroid pesticides on brain development, and effects of high dose-rate proton vs. conventional proton exposures on brain and behavior in

View Profile of Charles Vorhees
Waclaw, RonaldMolecular genetic mechanisms of basal ganglia development. Impact of RASopathy mutations on

View Profile of Ronald Waclaw
Waggoner, StephenNK cells control vaccine efficacy and disease pathogenesis during infection by killing T cells. Targeting NK-cell immunoregulation may facilitate prevention or treatment of human diseases, including

View Profile of Stephen Waggoner
Waltz, SusanMolecular analysis of growth factors and receptor tyrosine kinases in tumorigenesis, organ function, and cellular

View Profile of Susan Waltz
Waxman, JoshuaMolecular mechanisms and signaling of organogenesis. Molecular and genetic regulation of cardiovascular

View Profile of Joshua Waxman
Way, Sing SingIndividuals are unique vulnerable during in utero development and the early postnatal period. Immunological tools are used investigate susceptibility in these unique developmental

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Weirauch, Matt

The Weirauch lab uses computational and experimental tools to understand the mechanisms of gene transcriptional regulation and how these mechanisms go awry in disease states.

View Profile of Matt Weirauch

Wells, JimDevelopment and diseases of the gastrointestinal and endocrine system including malabsorption and diabetes. Tissue engineering organoids of the esophagus, stomach, intestine, pancreas and colon via directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem

View Profile of Jim Wells
Wells, SusanneHuman papillomavirus, cervical cancer, head and neck cancer, tissue

View Profile of Susanne Wells
Whitsett, JeffreyOrgan morphogenesis, gene regulation, cell differentiation, respiratory

View Profile of Jeffery Whitsett
Wikenheiser-Brokamp, KathrynMolecular and genetic basis of lung development and disease with specific interest in Rb/p16, p53 and Dicer/miRNA signaling

View Profile of Kathryn Wikenheiser-Brokamp
Wise-Draper, TrishaThe laboratory focuses on mechanisms underlying resistance to immunotherapy, including T-cell dysfunction, and the potential role of NK cells and the microenvironment for head and neck and other

View Profile of Trisha Wise-Draper
Wohleb, EricOur research group studies how neuroimmune systems shape synaptic function and behavior in pathological and physiological conditions. To this end, we use multi-disciplinary approaches, including flow cytometry and cell sorting, cell type-specific molecular analyses (RNA-Seq), viral-mediated genetic and pharmacological manipulations, and imaging techniques to study pathways mediating neuro-immune interactions. We strive for scientific excellence and integrity; and we value a supportive work environment that fosters provocative ideas and collective efforts to achieve

View Profile of Eric Wohleb
Woo, JessicaI am an epidemiologist with research interests in childhood obesity and its impact on cardiometabolic health across the lifespan, as well as pregnancy and early life nutrition on both infant and maternal

View Profile of Jessica Woo
Woods, JasonOverall goals are to develop state-of-the-art respiratory and cardiac MRI (e.g., with hyperpolarized gases) and CT and to translate these new modalities into the clinic via translational studies.

View Profile of Jason Woods

Yolton, KimberlyDr. Yolton’s research focuses on early life exposure to a variety of environmental toxicants, opiates, and maternal stress, and their potential impact on neurobehavioral outcomes spanning early infancy through

View Profile of Kimberly Yolton
Yu, JaneMolecular basis of female prevalent lung diseases

View Profile of Jane Yu

Yutzey, KatherineMolecular mechanisms of heart development and

View Profile of Katherine Yutzey
Zacharias, WilliamThe Zacharias Lung Lab studies the mechanisms of development and regeneration in the mammalian lung with a focus on gene regulatory networks, epigenetic landscapes, and niche interactions of epithelial progenitor cells. Our goal is to understand why and how lung progenitor cells participate in functional lung regeneration, and identify pathways with therapeutic potential to help patients with acute and chronic lung

View Profile of William Zacharias
Zhang, XiaotingOur research focuses on transcriptional and epigenetic gene regulation in breast cancer metastasis and treatment resistance, and the development of RNA nanotechnology-based next-generation

View Profile of Xiaoting Zhang
Zheng, YiMolecular mechanisms of Rho GTPase signal transduction. Development of novel therapeutic reagents to inhibit Rho pathways related to human pathological

View Profile of Yi Zheng
Zimmerman, NivesThe Zimmermann lab studies the pathophysiology of eosinophil and mast cell-associated disorders, including neoplasms. The approaches include in vitro and in vivo modeling, as well as translational patient-based

View Profile of Nives Zimmerman
Zorn, AaronWe use animal models, pluripotent stem cells and cutting-edge genomics to elucidate the gene regulatory networks controlling organogenesis. This informs the basis of birth defects and strategies to generate human organoid tissue for regenerative medicine.

View Profile of Aaron Zorn
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