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MSTP Fall 202 Retreat

MSTP Fall 2022 Retreat Highlights

On October 22, 2022, the MSTP held its annual Fall Retreat. The theme was, "Building Your Residency Application from Day One.”

Some highlights of the retreat included a moderated Q&A panel with residency program directors, a special presentation by Dr. Louito Edje, MD, on how physician scientists can create and promote their own personal brand, as well as various peer advice and "Hot Topic" presentations given by both current students and several UC MSTP alumni.

We were honored to be joined by the following special guest speakers (in order of presentation): 
• Louito Edje, MD, MHPE, FAAFP: Professor, Departments of Medical Education and Family and Community Medicine, Designated Institutional Official, University of Cincinnati
• Jack Rubinstein, MD: Director, Internal Medicine Physician Scientist Training Program
• Melissa Summers, MD, Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery (who graciously stepped in when another speaker had a last-minute conflict)
• Brian Evans, DO, FAPA: Director, Psychiatry Residency Program
• Alan Fleischer, MD: Director, Dermatology Residency Program
• Sue Poynter, MD, MEd: Director, Pediatric Residency Training Program
• Lauren Rosen, MD: Director, Pathology Residency Training Program
Aynara Wulsin, MD, PhD, 4th-Year Resident in Child Neurology/Pediatrics Combined Residency Program, UC College of Medicine; UC MSTP Alumnus 
• Katelyn Melgar, MD, PhD, 2nd-Year Internal Medicine PSTP Resident, University of Cincinnati, Department of Internal Medicine, UC MSTP Alumnus 
• Seth Reighard, MD, PhD, 2nd-Year Psychiatry Resident, University of Cincinnati, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, UC MSTP Alumnus 
• Donald Gilbert, MD, MS, MSTP Associate Director of Curriculum Development
• Inuk Zandvakili, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Digestive Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, UC College of Medicine; UC MSTP Alumnus 

Many thanks to the MSTP students involved in the peer-advice session and in our planning committee: Griffin McDaniel (M1); Akshata Rudrapatna (M2); Sydney Treichel (G1); Kei Sawada (G2); Alex Feldman (G3); Tiffany Shi (G3); Amanda McGann (G3); AJ Singh (G6).
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