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Curriculum Governance 


The rationale of our committee structure is to ensure that our efforts toward refining our curriculum and continuous improvement are supported and coordinated. This is especially important as medical education nationally and internationally is undergoing a transformation. Based on numerous conversations with clinicians, basic scientists and students, we’ve updated the committee structure to better:

  • Articulate the roles & responsibilities of chairs and members.
  • Describe how the various committees interact, support each other, and ultimately foster the continuous improvement of Cincinnati Medicine.
  • Verify the alignment of our curricular structure to LCME standards and the AAMC EPA’s and associated competencies.
  • Identify stronger assessment tools that align with our competencies and provide data that allows us to make strategic interventions in the curriculum.
  • Promote the stronger coordination of our clinical experiences through all four years of the curriculum.
  • Create an intra‐and inter‐professional framework to ensure that our curriculum is moving toward an Inter‐professional framework and that we can communicate what it is we are doing to internal and external stakeholders.
  • Identify opportunities for inter and intra‐institutional scholarly collaborations on medical education.
  • Meet LCME compliance standards at the next reaccreditation site visit.


  1. Cincinnati Medicine advisory committees guide and make decisions concerning the medical curriculum in alignment with LCME standards and AAMC EPA’s and associated competencies established by the AAMC.
  2. Advisory committee members will generally serve three‐year terms, with one‐third of the committee rotating off annually; terms end and begin at the conclusion of each academic year to allow for a smooth transition.
  3. All committee appointments will be made by the Associate Deans for Medical Education, based upon recommendations from committee chairs, faculty, and staff committee liaisons following careful consideration of a list of volunteers as well as other sources. Chairs of the committees will also be appointed by the Senior Associate Dean for Educational Affairs, with thoughtful consideration given to recommendations of committee members, faculty and/or staff liaisons.
  4. Most advisory committee appointments will be made approximately three months in advance of the end of the academic year. Newly appointed members will be added to committee listservs at that time so that new members can prepare for their service in advance of their first committee meeting at the end of the academic year.
  5. All active members hold voting privileges. *
  6. All advisory committees will hold monthly meetings.

* Note that you must hold a primary faculty/staff or faculty appointment in the College of Medicine to vote. Medical Students have voting privileges on all committees with the exception of the Education Program Committee (EPC).


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Contact Us

Office of Curriculum Management
and Integration

Medical Sciences Building Room G453 - G456
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670520
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0520

Mail Location: 0520
Phone: 513-558-1795
Fax: 513-558-4949