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Program Faculty Research Interests

NameDepartmentResearch InterestsWebsite
Caleb Adler, MD Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience Neurophysiology of mood disorders and medication response Website Profile
Mark Baccei, PhD Anesthesiology Maturation of pain circuits in the CNS under normal and pathological conditions Website Profile
Temugin Berta, PhDAnesthesiologyPeripheral nociception and non-neuronal sensitization of pain and itch


Website Profile

Joseph Broderick, MD Neurology Treatment and underlying mechanisms of stroke Website Profile
Elke Buschbeck, PhD Biological Sciences Development and function of invertebrate visual systems Website Profile
Kenneth Campbell, PhD Pediatrics; Developmental Biology (CCHMC) Molecular genetic control of mammalian forebrain development Website Profile
Kim Cecil, PhD Radiology (CCHMC) Neurochemical processes within neural networks that influence behavior in children and young adults. Website Profile
Steven Crone, PhD Neurosurgery and Developmental Biology (CCHMC) Alterations in motor circuits in neurodegenerative diseases such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), or spinal cord injury Website Profile
Steve Danzer, PhD Anesthesiology (CCHMC) Mechanisms underlying the generation of epilepsy Website Profile
Steve Davidson, PhD Anesthesiology Mechanisms underlying chronic pain and itch Website Profile
Kari Dunning, PhD Rehabilitation Sciences Stroke recovery and rehabilitation; neuroplasticity and aerobic exercise Website Profile
Alberto Espay, MD Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine Parkinson’s Disease and movement disorders Website Profile
Nathan Evanson, MD, PhD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation The effect of environment on recovery from traumatic brain injury Website Profile
Diego FernandezOphthalmologyNeuroscience sensory and circadian biology; environmentally-induced disordersWebsite Profile
David Fleck, PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience Neuropsychology of attention and memory; cognitive and physiological consequences of psychopathology and neuropathology; vultural differences in the course and treatment of bipolar disorder. Website Profile
Mindy Call Fox, PhD Ophthalmology Molecular mechanism involved in meibomian gland formation and function in dry eye disease; stem cell therapies to treat congenital and acquired corneal disease Website Profile
Edwin Griff, PhD Biological Sciences Neural circuits of the main olfactory bulb Website Profile
Tony Grillo, PhDChemistryTo better understand the mechanistic underpinnings of age-progressive and genetic neurometabolic diseases that are caused by mitochondrial dysfunctions.Website


Mary Beth Genter, PhD Environmental Health Olfactory system; toxic responses of the olfactory mucosa; plasticity of olfactory neurons Website Profile
Christina Gross, PhD Neurology (CCHMC) Molecular mechanisms underlying neurodevelopmental disorders such as Fragile X syndrome, epilepsy and autism Website Profile
Eric Gruenstein, PhD Molecular Genetics Cellular basis of learning and memory Website Profile
Gary Gudelsky, PhD Pharmacy Mechanisms and consequences of MDMA (Ecstasy)-induced neurotoxicity; neuropharmacology of atypical antipsychotics Website Profile
Ziyuan Guo, PhDDevelopmental Biology (CCHMC)Develop a next-generation human nervous system in a petri dish using cutting-edge stem cell technologies and engineering tools for in vitro study of human neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disordersProfile Website

Fumika Hamada, PHD

Opthalmology (CCHMC) Molecular and neural mechanisms of temperature sensation and circadian rhythm Website Profile
Jiukuan Hao, MD, PhD Pharmacy Delivery of macromolecules (oligonucleotides, proteins, genes) into the brain and brain ischemia stroke Website Profile
Elana Harris, MD, PhD Psychiatry (CCHMC) Neurophysiological underpinnings of psychiatric disorders Website Profile
James Herman, PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience Structural, functional and molecular biological principles underlying brain stress integration Website Profile
Katherine Holland-Bouley, MD PhD Neurology (CCHMC) Role of ion channels gene variants in seizure susceptibility and treatment Website Profile
Michael Jankowski, PhD Anesthesiology (CCHMC) Peripheral mechanisms of nociceptive processing Website Profile
Winston Kao, PhD Opthalmology Gene and Cell therapy of Congenital and Acquired Eye Diseases Website Profile
Christopher King, PhD Anesthesiology (CCHMC) Pain psychophysics and endogenous pain modulatory systems Website Profile
Steven Kleene, PhD Systems Biology and Physiology Signaling in primary cilia in kidney disease Website Profile
Dawn Kleindorfer, MD Neurology Neurobiology of stroke Website Profile
Robert Krikorian, PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience Neurobiology of cognitive disorders Website Profile
John Layne, PhD Biological Sciences Neural control of behavior and guidance of spatial orientation Website Profile
Huei-Jing Lee, PhD Biomedical Engineering Development and utilization of MRI/ MRS methodologies for studying metabolism, bioenergetics, and function of the brain Website Profile
Diana Lindquist, PhD Pediatrics, Radiology (CCHMC) Effects of drugs and disease on brain metabolism Website Profile
Richard Lu, PhD Pediatrics Generation of glial cell subtypes (oligodendrocytes, astrocytes and Schwann cells) in the central and peripheral nervous systems under normal and pathological conditions Website Profile
John MacLennan, PhD Molecular and Cellular Physiology Role of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) receptors in neuro-maintenance and neuro-protection Website Profile
Robert McNamara, PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience Role of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency in the pathoetiology of recurrent neuropsychiatric disorders Website Profile
Shannon Miller, MD Clinical Psychiatry (VA) Addiction medicine, substance abuse treatment Website Profile
Ali Minai, PhD Electrical Engineering & Computing Systems Neurocomputational models of cognition and motor control; computational models of information coding by synchronization and temporal correlation in neural populations;models of collective knowledge acquisition and creativity Website Profile
David Moore, PhD Otolaryngology Development of hearing in children; neurogenetics Website Profile
Laura Ngwenya, MD, PhDNeurosurgery & Neurology & Rehabilitation MedicineMechanisms underlying poor cognitive recovery after traumatic brain injury


PWebsite Profile


Diego Perez-Tilve, PhD Internal Medicine Neural regulation of metabolism and obesity Website Profile
Sarah Pixley, PhD Systems Biology and Physiology Neuroprotective effects of magnesium after peripheral nerve injury and brain injury Website Profile
Nancy Ratner, PhD Experimental Hematology and Cancer Biology (CCHMC) Mechanisms underlying nerve-associated tumors in inherited diseases Website Profile

Teresa Reyes, PhD

Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience Effect of diet on maturation of CNS Website Profile
Elliot Robinson, MD, PhDExperimental Hematology and Cancer Biology (CCHMC)How brain circuits involved in motivation, reward and attentional control are dysregulated in mouse models of neurodevelopmental disordersWebsite Profile
Stephanie Rollman, PhD Biological Sciences Genetic basis of chemosensory behavior Website Profile
Renu Sah, PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience Pathophysiology of anxiety disorders Website Profile
Kim Seroogy, PhD Neurology Parkinson’s disease; Neurotrophic factors; Chronic stress and depression Website Profile
Matt Skelton, PhD Neurology (CCHMC) Mechanisms underlying creatine transporter (CrT) deficiency; metabolic changes associated with bipolar disorder Website Profile
Matia Solomon, PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience Impact of chronic social stress on brain and behavior; regulation of mood, cognition and metabolic health by gonadal hormones Website Profile
Peter Stambrook, PhD Molecular Genetics; Biochemistry and Microbiology Novel therapies to treat brain tumors Website Profile
Judith Strong, PhD Anesthesiology Pain, sensory neurons, inflammation, role of sympathetic nervous system in pain, ion channels. Website Profile
Jeffrey Tenney, MD, PhD Pediatrics, Neurology (CCHMC) Mapping the onset and spread of seizures using non-invasive functional neuroimaging Website Profile
Yve Ulrich-Lai, PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience Neural and hormonal substrates responsible for the interactions among diet, obesity and stress. Website Profile
Jennifer Vannest, PhD Neurology (CCHMC) Neural basis of language and cognitive development Website Profile
Ilya Vilinsky, PhD Biological Sciences Neuroscience and Neurophysiology Education Website Profile
Tim Vogel, MD Neurosurgery and Developmental Biology (CCHMC) Primary and motile ciliary signaling and its effects on neural and glial progenitor cell differentiation Website Profile
Charles Vorhees, PhD Neurology (CCHMC) Adverse effects of drugs, genes and/or environmental agents on the developing brain Website Profile
Ronald Waclaw, PhD Pediatrics (CCHMC) Molecular genetic control in the generation of cellular diversity in the mouse telencephalon Website Profile
Jeffery Welge, PhD Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience Applications of statistical methods to the study of mood disorders and associated comorbidities; model building and analysis for clinical trials Website Profile
Michael Williams, PhD Neurology (CCHMC) Adverse effects of drugs, genes and/or environmental agents on the developing brain Website Profile
Jun-Ming Zhang, MD Anesthesiology Chronic pain mechanisms; neuroinflammation Website Profile
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Neuroscience Graduate Program
Medical Sciences Building
Room 1058B
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0548

Mail Location: 0548
Phone: 513-558-1803