UC Student Health Insurance Exclusions and Limitations
The exclusions and limitations sections describes items which are excluded from coverage and not considered to be Covered Medical Expenses. Please see the certificate of coverage for a complete list.
No benefits will be paid for: a) loss or expense caused by, contributed to, or resulting from; or b) treatment, services or supplies for, at, or related to any of the following:
1. Acupuncture.
2. Cosmetic procedures.
3. Custodial Care.
4. Dental treatment.
5. Elective Surgery or Elective Treatment.
6. Elective abortion.
7. Examinations related to research screenings.
8. Specified Foot Care
9. Health spa or similar facilities
10. Hearing aids or exams.
11. Hypnosis.
12. Workers' Compensation injury or illness.
13. Injury sustained from intercollegiate sport.
14. Investigational services.
15. Marital counseling.
16. Injury from riot or civil disobedience.
17. Physical exams and immunizations for enrollment in insurance.
18. Drugs labeled, "caution - limited by federal law to investigational use" or experimental drugs.
19. Reconstructive procedures.
20. Specified Reproductive Services
21. Naturopathic services.
22. Surgical treatment of gynecomastia.
23. Services provided by any Governmental unit.
24. Injury from war or any act of war, declared or undeclared; or while in the armed forces of any country.
25. Weight management. Weight reduction. Nutrition programs. Treatment for obesity. Surgery for removal of excess skin or fat.