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Our mission is to bridge the gap that exists between health care goals and logistical realities for our patients in the tristate area, namely existing at the interface of social determinants of health, population health, and the emergency department.
To this end, we aim to train providers in clinical care that is excellent, efficient, culturally sensitive, and patient-centered; remain embedded in our community to better serve its members; and advocate on behalf of issues relevant to patient care.
To be international leaders in the field of Social Emergency Medicine by training leaders, advocating for patients, and innovating systems that respect and impact social determinants of health via emergency care.
Population Health & Health Services Leadership Academy (PLA) The PLA offers residents dedicated leadership development and training relevant to physician careers in public health, population health, social emergency medicine, and/or global health. Participants will complete a mentored project and receive a certificate upon graduation from the academy.
EIP Resident Assistant Medical Director Each year, 1-2 residents are selected to serve as the Resident Assistant Medical Director(s) for the EIP program. They work collaboratively with program administration and staff to assist in operational and clinical program development and implementation. This position affords research, leadership, and educational opportunities in clinical public health and social emergency medicine above and beyond the typical resident experience.
Resident Electives Currently, the following resident electives are available annually: Introduction to Social Emergency Medicine, Advanced Social Emergency Medicine, Medical Spanish, and Advocacy. Additional electives in Public Health Operations, Street Medicine, and Research are available upon request.
Although not housed exclusively within the Division of *Social Emergency Medicine*, the department offers a number of global health electives, including annual electives in Tanzania and Guatemala with periodic elective opportunities in Uganda.
Please see TamingtheSRU for complete description of these electives.
ResearchThe EIP is intimately connected to public health agencies and community based organizations, and operates on a continuum from the community to the ED to outpatient/inpatient healthcare settings. The program is rife with opportunity for research projects for residents and students. Each year, EIP faculty typically mentor one medical student for a summer research project.
OtherThe Division of Social Emergency Medicine is rapidly growing. Many of the projects and current elective offerings exist because of the innovation of current and former residents. Furthermore, the EIP is a collaborative and inter-professional organization with representation from students in social work, pre-health professions, the Masters in Public Health program, and the College of Nursing. Due to the nature of Social Emergency Medicine, there are many additional and potential opportunities available for students, residents, and faculty.
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